
Facebook, Twitter and Word of Mouth

92.9% of UK Internet users are on Facebook and the number of UK Twitter users has doubled in the past two years. “Facebook? Oh yeah, I have one of them, I don’t use it much”. I hear this all too often, if you’re guilty of having this conversation, then you’re doing things wrong! 92.9% of

Treasuring our Traders

Without our traders, we are nothing – You are our most important asset. I make it part of my job here at Diverse Events to search out events in Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall that are like ours. I like to know what other events organisers are doing, what is going well for them and what

Displays – The window to your business

You arrive at the venue, a decorated event room with exhibitors areas nicely set out, but now you’re faced with the mammoth task of making your space look amazing. “Oh, that’s the easy part” I hear you say, then why do so many people get it wrong? Your exhibition space, be it a table, marquee

Don’t judge – Engagement is key!

As an events organiser in Devon, I get out to as many events as possible, from craft fairs and wedding shows right up to Royal County Shows and I see it time and time again; exhibitors judging the potential customers. They notice someone approaching, but instead of looking up from their phone, smiling, greeting and

Successful events

How can you make our events through Plymouth, Tavistock, Devon and Cornwall work for you? We’ve put together some handy tips to ensure everything is perfect on the day! Insurance – This one is an important one. As a trader it is vital you have Public Liability Insurance (PLI) and very often Product Liability. If

Realising one’s nature perfectly

Thanks Oscar, a great start. Maybe we will switch self-development for a bit of developing events? This is the beginning of a blog where exhibitors matter, events count and foot traffic is key. Exhibitors, traders and the local community can share their thoughts and opinions. We hope to provide you with interesting and exciting information