Last Minute Cancellations – Based on a true story

Very often things change, exhibitors can’t attend an event. Generally I’ll try my best to refund the exhibitors space, if I can, however it’s an event organiser’s worst nightmare when exhibitors drop out at the last minute leaving you with a great big space to fill, with nobody to fill it.

7pm – 39 hours till event start

DING – One new email

Exhibitor A: “Hey! I can’t make the event, sorry, can I have a refund?”

8pm – 38 hours till event start

Facebook updates, twitter updates – “Would anyone like to attend our event in TWO days?!”

9pm – 37 hours till event start

Emails and calls – “Hi there! Do you fancy attending our event in two days? Yes I know it’s soon, but… ok, thanks… bye!”

10pm – 36 hours till event start

“Any exhibitors want an extra table at a highly reduced rate? Too short of notice? I understand…”

11pm – 35 hours till event start

Exhibitor A: “I know it’s less than two days till the event, but I can’t come! I know it’s against your terms and conditions that I agreed to, but I want a refund!”

11pm – 8am 34 hours till event start


8am – 25 hours till event start

Exhibitor A: “You’re so unreasonable and arrogant. It’s so unfair. I know it’s only a day before the event, but it’s not my fault I can’t come. Why won’t you give me my money back for the work you have already done?!”

9am – 24 hours till event start

Gathering up materials needed, last minute printing, organising receipts, chalking up A-board

10am – 23 hours till event start

Facebook updates, Twitter updates – “Last minute space for our event TOMORROW… Any takers?!”

11am – 22 hours till event start

Early lunch. OMN NOM NOM

12 noon – 21 hours till event start

Calling venue, confirming any final details. Ask them to remove one table space and apologise.

1pm – 20 hours till event start

Organise and print new room layouts, invoices and receipts.

6pm – 15 hours till event start


10pm – 11 hours till event start

Exhibitor B: “I’ll take the space!”

11pm – 10 hours till event start

Opening account for new exhibitor, printing invoices, reorganising room layout

12 midnight – 7am – 9 hours till event start


7am – 2 hours till event start

Load up the car

8am – 1 hour till event start

Driving to venue. Vroom!

9am – EVENT

Arrive at venue, organise table layout, put up banners and bunting.

DING – One new email

Exhibitor C: “Hey! I can’t make the event today, sorry, can I have a refund?”

Moral of the story, please don’t cancel your bookings with such short notice. It makes us event organisers very sad.